Remembering Michael Prior: Ten Years On (Selected Essays and Addresses, edited with an introduction by Duncan Macpherson), Living Stones, London, 2014
Breaking Daily Bread: Lent to Pentecost, Melisende, March 2013
Those of us who preach may well find this publication a useful resource to prompt ideas for preaching, whether a short homily at a midweek Eucharist or a longer effort on a Sunday. (Neville Manning, Review in The Preacher, 153, January to March 2014, page 27) |
Breaking Daily Bread Volume 1, Advent, Christmastide and Weeks 1-7 of the Year, Saint Paul's Publications, London, June 2012
I am delighted that Deacon Duncan Macpherson has produced the first volume of his series breaking Daily Bread just as the Year of Faith begins. At a time when we are reflecting on the contribution that our preaching can make to the New Evangelisation here are some useful ideas for preachers and for all who seek inspiration from a prayerful reading of the Word of God as it is presented to us in the Church's Lectionary
Archbishop Bernard Longley, A Member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelisation
The ministry of the Word belongs to all of us. For those of us in the pew Breaking Daily Bread is a companion for prayer as we prepare to hear the preaching of the Word more receptively. For us in the pulpit Breaking Daily Bread also is an invitation to reflection—as we ask, “What is the Good News and what are the life challenges my congregation faces in terms of today's Scripture lections?”
Professor Gregory Heille, O.P. Professor of Homiletics, Aquinas Institute of Theology
President, North American Academy of Homiletics |
The Splendour of the Preachers,Foreword by Gregory Heille, O.P
Saint Paul's Publications, London, June 2011
Duncan Macpherson has provided a welcome theological framework for the proclamation of God’s word – George Stack (Archbishop of Cardiff).
… a book by a master in the theory and practice of preaching. It provides much help and encouragement towards improving liturgical preaching – Gerry O' Collins S.J. (Emeritus Professor of New Testament, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome).
Macpherson's ecumenical commitments, liturgical reverence and exegetical expertise make the book a valuable addition to any preacher's library – Alyce M. McKenzie (Professor of Homiletics, Southern Methodist University, Dallas)
…a book that speaks encouragement and good sense to preachers of every tradition. This is genuinely practical theology – Canon Dr Christopher Burkett, (Director of Ministry, Anglican Diocese of Chester). |
A Living Stone: Michael Prior CM (Essays and Addresses, edited with a biographical introduction by Duncan Macpherson) Living Stones, London, 2006
Some reviewers' comments on A Living Stone
The Bible, in its land tradition, is part of the problem, but the Bible also, in its Gospel message, is part of the solution—provided that people such as Macpherson and ourselves, take up Michael Prior’s challenge.’ Professor Gregory Heille OP, New Blackfriars, Volume 88, Issue 1016: 503-504
‘…a very challenging and necessary book. Duncan Macpherson deserves enormous praise and credit for the way he has painstakingly edited this book, bringing together a lifetime of work by Michael Prior. It is indeed a lasting memory to Michaela and should be a constant challenge to all biblical scholars and students.’ Martin O’Kane, Scripture Bulletin, volume XXXVII, number 1: 30-31 2004 |
“Homiletics & Lection," Distance Learning Course book, Maryvale Institute of Theology, Birmingham. (Not publicly available)
The Pilgrim Preacher. Palestine, Pilgrimage and Preaching, (An enquiry into the impact of the Holy Land upon the preaching of the Gospel with an argument for the wider relevance of the Holy Land in all its aspects), forward by Naim Ateek, Melisende 2004. (Second printing with additions 2008).
‘This is an unusual book: creative and insightful and endlessly asking some of the vital questions that biblical preachers need to ponder.’ Stephen Wright The College of Preachers: The Journal, July 2005, 108-111
‘This is the sort of book that Holy Land lovers might wish to have constantly to hand wherever they are, both for checking historical detail and for stimulation in preaching. It is well worth getting.’ Stephen Need, Theology, October 2005, 391-2
‘Here is a most unusual and intriguing book that holds considerable value for preachers and ministers who wish to know more about that most volatile of human locations, Israel Palestine' John C Holbert, Homiletic, Winter 2005: 21
'This book...is a treasure chest of insights and knowledge into the Holy Land past and present and should be an indispensable book for all pastors leading pilgrimages...' Martin O'Kane, Scripture Bulletin, July 2005 |
A Third Millennium Guide to Pilgrimage in the Holy Land (editor and contributor) London. Melisende, 2000
Accessing Hinduism, co-authored with the late Dr. Helen Kanitkar of the Anthropology Dept. at SOAS. London. Melisende, 1998
Editorship of Scripture Bulletin (Journal of the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain) Executive Editor 1969-80. Joint Editor
Member of the Editorial Board of Holy Land Studies. A Multidisciplinary Journal (published by Continuum, 2001-2003 and currently by Edinburgh University Press)
Member of the Editorial Board, The Preacher: Journal of the College of Preachers, 2004-
Editor of Living Stones, Journal of the Living Stones Trust, an organisation promoting contacts between Christians in the Britain and Christians in the Holy Land and in neighbouring countries, 1990-2012
Associate Editor of The Living Stones Yearbook, 2012-
Features Editor of The Preacher, (The Journal of the College of Preachers), 2008-
Articles, Published Sermons and Homilies
“Preaching with Conviction; Preaching from Year A, February to April 2020” The Preacher, January Issue 176 pages 12- 13
“Sunday 2 February 2020 Presentation of Christ” ibid. pages 13-14
“Easter Vigil: The Lord is indeed risen” The Preacher January 2019, pages 21-22
“Sunday 10 March 2019 Lent 1: The Lord is rich enough” ibid. pages 21-22
“How should readings be linked? The Preacher, Issue 173 May to July 2019 pages 10-11.
“The Case for Celibate Deacons” The Pastoral Review, London, May/June 2019, 36-41.
“How do we respond in a crisis?” Sunday 22 September 2019, Twenty-fifth in Ordinary time, The Preacher, Issue 174, July 2019 pages 21-22
“Supplicants all”, Sunday 27 October 2019, Thirtieth in Ordinary time, ibid. pages 28 -29
“Surprised by Joy” Preaching from Year B & C: November 2018 to January 2019, The Preacher Issue 171, October 2018
“Preaching across the divide: Preaching from year August to October 2018, The Preacher Issue 170, pages 12-13
“Be Opened”, Sunday 9 September 2018 Racial Justice Sunday, ibid. page 22
“Hearing and Not Hearing”: Sunday 21 October 2018, Twenty-ninth in Ordinary, ibid. pages 12-13
“Preaching from Year B: May to July 2018” The Preacher 169, April 2018 pages 14-15.
“Preaching from Year B: February April 2018” The Preacher January 2018 page 168,
“Wednesday 14 February 2018
“Ash Wednesday: Turn away from sin and believe in the Gospel” ibid. pages 13-14.
“Jesus the Jew and Jesus the Palestinian?” Living Stones Yearbook 2016 pages 25-33
“Christian-Muslim Relations: from Conflict to Dialogue” ibid. 34-50
“Care for the aged” The Pastoral Review, London, March/April 2018 pages16-51.
This article is an edited version of my chapter, “The Chronologically Gifted in the Church: Old Age -Blessing or Curse” in Padinjarecuttu, Isaac and R.R. Graviour Augustine “Rev-isioning Pastoral Care” (Shilong, India: Oriens Publications, 2017, 568-580)
“Preaching from Year A: November 2017 to Year B: January 2018” The Preacher
October 2017 No.167 pages 8-9
“Preaching from Year A: August to October 2017” The Preacher, July 2017 No.166 pages 12-13
“Sunday 8 October 2017, Twenty-seventh in Ordinary time: Trying to connect” ibid. pages 21-22
“Preaching from Year A: May 2017 to July 2017” The Preacher, April
2017 No.165, page 12
Editorial on the Atonement, The Preacher January 2017 No.164 pages 2-3
“Sunday 26 February 2017 Eighth in Ordinary Time: In God Alone Is My Soul at Rest” ibid. pages 18-19
“Thursday 13 April 2017 Holy Thursday, Maundy Thursday In Remembrance of Me” ibid. pages 24-25
Sunday 30 April 2017 “Third Sunday of Easter: The Joy of Easter” ibid. page 29
“Preaching from Years C/A: November 2016 to January 2017” The Preacher October 2016 No.163 page 12
“Sunday 13 November 2016 33rd Sunday, 2nd Sunday before Advent; Uncertainty and the Grand Plan” ibid. page 16
The Chronologically Gifted in the Church: Old Age -Blessing or Curse” in Padinjarecuttu, Isaac and R.R. Graviour Augustine “Rev-isioning Pastoral Care” (Shilong, India: Oriens Publications, 2017, 568-580)
“Preaching from Year C: August to October 2016” The Preacher July 2016 No.162 page 12
“Sunday 4 September 2016 Trinity 15, Pentecost 16, Twenty-third in Ordinary time, Proper 18: Free but not cheap!” Ibid. page 13
“Sunday 30 October 2016 Thirty-first in Ordinary time: Where am I in the story?” ibid. page 26
“Jamil Yousif Bullata (FCA) 1934-2016” Living Stones Yearbook 2016 pages 1-2
“Preaching from Year C: May to July 2016” The Preacher April 2016 No.161, page 12
“Sunday 17 July 2016 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary time (Proper 11): Few things are needed, indeed only one” ibid. pages 24-25
Preaching from Year C: January to April 2016 The Preacher January 2016 No.160, page 11
Sunday 7 February 2016 Fifth Sunday of the Year/after Epiphany
Whom shall I send? Ibid. pages 12-13
“Zionism, Anti-Semitism and the Bible” Living Stones Yearbook 2015 pages 41-56
The Preacher October 2015 No.159
Preaching the Gospel of Luke, ibid. pages 9-10
Preaching from Year B: November 2015 to Year C: January 2016 page 11
Sunday 10 January 2016 Baptism of the Lord: God does not have favourites page 24
Preaching for Year B; August to October 2015, Sunday 16 August 1915, The Preacher August 2015 No.158 page 14
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary ibid. pages 16-17
"Voicing the Word, Preaching for Years A and B: October January " The Preacher 155, October 2014, page 14
"My eyes have seen the salvation" First Sunday after Christmas/Feast of the Holy Family, Sunday 28 December 2014” and "A light the darkness could not overpower: Second Sunday of Christmas, Sunday 4 January 2015 ibid. 23-24
" Preaching for Year A: July - Mid October 2014, The Preacher 154, page 12
"Voicing the Word, Preaching for Year A: April -June 2014, The Preacher 154, page 13
“Trinity Sunday, 15 June 2014: The Holy Trinity Changes our Life, “ibid. pages 24-25
“Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi): "I am the Living Bread" The Preacher 153, April -June 2014, 2014, pages 25-26
"Preaching for Year A: January to March 2014:"Sing and shout for joy!" The Preacher 152, page 13
“Sunday 26 January 2014, 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time” ibid. pages 17-18
" Preaching for Years C and A: October to December 2013 Spreading, strengthening and increasing faith," The Preacher 151, page 13
“Sunday December 15, 2013, 3rd Sunday of Advent: A feeling of Expectancy" ibid. page 20
“Sunday 29 December: First Sunday after Christmas/Feast of the Holy Family, "Coming Home" ibid. 15. page 26
" Spreading and Increasing Faith: Preaching for Year C: July–September 2013”, The Preacher 150, page 12
"Heard it all before!" Preaching for the Year C: April – June 2013” The Preacher 149, page 13
“Sunday 12 May 2013 7th Sunday of Easter: Amen; come, Lord Jesus” ibid. pages 19-20
“Thursday 30 May 2013 Corpus Christi: Becoming the Body of Christ” ibid. page 22
“Second Sunday in ordinary time, 2nd Sunday after Epiphany: They have no wine!” The Preacher, October 2012, 148, pages 15-16
“Introduction to "The Biblical Narrative: Canonical Ancient Israel" by the late Michael Prior, Living Stones Yearbook, Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust, 2013 page 1-2.
"Voicing the Word, Preaching for Year B: October--December", The Preacher 146, October to December” 2012 page 14
"Creative Preaching and the Future of the Arab Spring", Papers of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Homiletics, ‘Preaching and the News’ Chicago, December 15-17, 2012, 68-77
“Preaching for Year B: July–September 20 and 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time” The Preacher 145, July 2012, page 14
“14th Sunday after Trinity, Proper 18, 'Blind Prejudice', Racial Justice Sunday, ibid. page 24
"Blind Prejudice" 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Why are you so frightened?”, The Preacher March-- June 2012, page 26
"Voicing the Word, Preaching for Year B: January to March 2012 and Sunday 11 March 2012" and "3rd Sunday of Lent, 'Help him, Lord!", The Preacher, July 2012, pages 13 and 26
"Voicing the Word, Preaching for Year A: July to September 2011and Sunday", 4 September 2011 and
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 12th after Pentecost, Proper 18, "Binding and loosing" in The Preacher, July 2011, 13
"Voicing the Word, Preaching for Year C April to June 2011" in The Preacher, April 2011, 13
"Voicing the Word, Preaching for Year A: January to March 2011 in The Preacher, January 2011, 13
"Preaching in the Roman Catholic Ecclesial Context" in The Re (New)ed Homiletic, Editor Geoffrey Stevenson, SCM Press, London, 2010, pp 27-33
"First Sunday of Advent", "Feast of the Holy Family", "First Sunday after Christmas "in The Preacher, October 2010, 20,25 and 26
"Voicing the Word, Preaching for Year C: July to September 2010 in The Preacher, July 2010, 13
Preaching for Year C: 1 July to September " in The Preacher, October 2010, 13
"This Year in Jerusalem!", "Preaching for Year C: 1 April to June" and " Tenth Sunday of the Year/Proper 5 " in The Preacher, April 2010, 9-10, 13 and 23-24.
"Preaching for Year C: 1 January to 28 March " and " Fifth Sunday after Epiphany/Fifth Sunday of the Year" in The Preacher, January 2010, 14 and 20.
“Preaching the Good News after Postmodernity?” Papers of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Homiletics, ‘Preaching and the News’ Washington, DC, December 9-12, 2009, 88-97
"Preaching Seminar: Feast of Christ the King", Preaching for Years B and C: 1 October to 31 September "Forging Connections: The Kingdom and Commonplace", in The Preacher, September 2009, 5-6 and 14
"Preaching for Year B: 1 July to 30 September "What are you going to do about it?" and " Seventh Sunday after Pentecost/Fourteenth Sunday of the Year" in The Preacher, July 2009, 11-18.
"Preaching for Year B: 1 April to 30 June: "The Drama of Redemption " , " Palm Sunday to Peter and Paul/Sixth Sunday of the Year" and "Saint George " in "The Preacher, April 2009, 13,and 28.
"Preaching for Year B: 1 January to 31 March: "From Image to Image, from Story to Story”, " Fifth Sunday after Epiphany/Fourth Sunday of the Year" and "Sixteenth Sunday/Nine after Pentecost" and "Saint David and Saint Patrick" in The Preacher, January 2009, 13, 18-19 and 27.
“The Politics of Preaching the Promised Land to the Canaanites”, Political Theology, 10.1 (2009) Equinox Publishing, London, 71-84
“Proclaiming the Word at Mass: 2. Hearers of the Word” in The Pastoral Review, September and October, Tablet Publishing Company, London, 36-41
“Proclaiming the Word at Mass: 3. Interpreting the Text ” in The Pastoral Review, March and April, Tablet Publishing Company, London, 48-52
"Preaching the Word at Mass: 4 Breaking the Word" in The Pastoral Review, May to June, Tablet Publishing Company,
"Preaching for Year B: July to September",2009 and "Sixteenth Sunday/ Nine after Pentecost, in "The Preacher, September 1 and 17-18
“Doctrinal Preaching”, “Holy Land Tours”, “Mystagogical Preaching “, Paul Scot Wilson et al. (editors), The New Interpreters Handbook of Preaching 2008 Date, (Nashville: Abingdon Press), 377-379, 306-8 and 395-396
"Four Weddings, a Funeral-- and a Christening”, The Preacher' and "Preaching for Year A “, The College of Preachers, London, January 2008, 9-10 and 12
"Preaching Across the Ecumenical Divide " in The Pastoral Review, January/February 2008. Tablet Publishing Company, London, 44-49 (a shorter version of the paper given at Minneapolis in November 2007)
"Preaching for Year A: From Easter Three to Peter and Paul" and "Fourth Sunday of Easter/Good Shepherd Sunday/ Vocations Sunday" The Preacher, April 2008, 14 and 16
"Preaching at the Margins III: Lazarus is Dead" (Preaching at Funerals) in The Pastoral Review, March and April 2008. Tablet Publishing Company, London 37-42.
"Preaching for Year A: July to September" and "Feast of the Transfiguration" The Preacher, July 2008 13 and 18-19
"Breaking the Word: Sundays" in The Pastoral Review, September and October. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 64-69
"Preaching for Year A/B: October to December", "Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica "and "Lectionaries and Toxic Verses" The Preacher, September 2008 12, 18 and 27-28
" Proclaiming the Word at Mass: 1. Heralds of the Word "in The Pastoral Review, November and December, Tablet Publishing Company, London. 26-30
"Preaching for Year B: 1 January to 31 March: "From Image to Image, from Story to Story", " Fifth Sunday after Epiphany/Fourth Sunday of the Year" and Saint David and Saint Patrick" "The Preacher, January2009, 13, 18-19 and 27.
"'Preaching across the Ecumenical Divide: the Strange Exorcist”," Papers of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Homiletics, ‘Preaching for Honoring the Other; Across the Divide,’ Hosted by Luther Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota , November 28-December 1, 2007, 222-229
"The Spirit of Christmas Past: Saint Augustine Preaching at Christmas" in The Pastoral Review, November/December 2007. Tablet Publishing Company, London, 53-58
"Michael Prior, the Bible and Anti-Semitism" in Holy Land Studies, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, Volume 6, November 2207, Number 2.145-162.
"Reviews by Duncan MacPherson: ‘Fulfilled in Our Hearing'; 'Unmasking Apocalyptic Texts' and 'Go Tell Them', " The Preacher, October 2007, 26
"Preaching the Word" in Scripture Bulletin, Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain, London. July 2007, 66-76.
“Preaching at the Margins: Baptism” in The Pastoral Review, July/August 2007. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 22-27
"An Interview with Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor" and "Preaching the Promised land to the Canaanites," Living Stones Magazine, Living Stones, London, August 2007, 5-7 and 13-24
“Preaching at the Margins: Preaching at Cana” (Preaching at Weddings) in The Pastoral Review, January/February 2007. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 34-41
“Corpus Christi,” The Preacher’, The College of Preachers, London, January 2007, 27
"Breaking the Word: Sundays” in The Pastoral Review, May/June 2007. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 59-65
“The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” The Preacher' ,The College of Preachers, London, July, 2006, 21
'Fulfilled in Our Hearing' ( Book Reviews) The Preacher' ,The College of Preachers, London, October 2007
“Solemnity of Saint Joseph,” The College of Preachers: the Journal, January 2006 31-32.
“Word and Sacrament: Preaching During Celebration and Liturgical Rites ,” The College of Preachers: the Journal, The College of Preachers, London, April 2006, 5-7
“Weekdays in March and April” in The Pastoral Review, March/April 2006. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 62-78 “Weekdays in January and February” in The Pastoral Review, January /February 2006. Tablet Publishing Company, London.64-80
“Weekdays in March and April” in The Pastoral Review, March/April 2005. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 62-78
"Word and Sacrament: Preaching during sacramental celebrations and liturgical rites" in The College of Preachers: the Journal," The College of Preachers, London April 2006, 5-6.
"The Ascension of the Lord, " in The College of Preachers' Journal," The College of Preachers, London, April 2006, 24.
“Weekdays in May and June” in The Pastoral Review, May/June 2006. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 62-78
“Weekdays in July and August” in The Pastoral Review, July/August 2006. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 64-80
“Weekdays in September and October” in The Pastoral Review, September/October 2006. Tablet Publishing Company, London, 64-80
"The Preacher as Interpreter" in The College of Preachers' Journal, October 2006, 2-5
"All Saints' Day," in The College of Preachers' Journal, The College of Preachers, London, October 2006, 18-19
"The Spirit of Christmas Past: Ronald Knox Preaching at Christmas" in The Pastoral Review, November/December 2006. Tablet Publishing Company, London, 28-32
“Weekdays in November and December” in The Pastoral Review, November /December 2006 Tablet Publishing Company, London. 64-80
"Preaching the Promised Land to the Canaanites," Papers of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Homiletics, ‘Preaching for Renewal, Transformation and Liberation,’ Hosted by Palm Beach University, West Palm Beach, Florida, November 29-December 2, 2006, 83-90.
“Homiletic Notes for Weekdays in January and February” in The Pastoral Review, January/February 2005. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 56-70
“Sunday 2 January: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” “Thursday 5 May: The Ascension of the Lord,” “Sunday 15 May: Pentecost, ” “Sunday 22 May Trinity Sunday, Thursday 16 May: Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ ( Corpus Christi), The College of Preachers: the Journal, The College of Preachers, London, January 2005. 55-57, 93-94, 96-97, 98-99 and 99-100
“Weekdays in March and April” in The Pastoral Review, March/April 2005. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 58-72
“Weekdays in May and June” in The Pastoral Review, May/June 2005. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 58-72
“Sunday 30 October: Fourth Sunday Before Advent” and “Tuesday 1 November: All Saints Day.” The College of Preachers: The Journal, The College of Preachers, London, July 2005. 79-80 and 84-85
“Weekdays in July and August” in The Pastoral Review, July/August 2005. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 56-71
“Weekdays in September and October” in The Pastoral Review, September/October 2005. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 56-71
“Weekdays in November and December” in The Pastoral Review, November /December 2005. Tablet Publishing Company, London. 62-76
“Fourth Sunday before Advent,” “All Saints Day,” The College of Preachers: the Journal, The College of Preachers, London, July 2005. 79-80, 84-85.
“Sunday 1 August: on Luke 12:13-21 (1st August, "Inequitable Lives", The College of Preachers: The Journal, The College of Preachers, London, July 2004. 73-74)
” Sunday “21 November: Christ the King” and “Sunday 5 December: Power in Weakness” The College of Preachers: the Journal, The College of Preachers, London, July 2004, 97-98 and 97-98
“Take Away the Stone: Prophetic Preaching and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict” Papers of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Homiletics, “Preaching and the Resurrection” Hosted by Memphis Theological Seminary, Memphis, Tennessee, December 2-4, 2004, 87-95.
“Michael Prior (1942-2004) “Liberation Theologian and Peace Activist” Holy Land Studies, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, Volume 3, Number 2, 131-133.
“Prophetic Preaching, Liberation Theology and the Holy Land” Holy Land Studies, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, Volume 3, Number 2, 233-244.
"Professor Michael Prior: controversial priest and theologian who was an outspoken supporter of Palestinian rights." Obituary in The Independent, Monday 23 August
Also reproduced as “Professor Michael Prior Remembered” in, Living Stones Magazine, 26.
“Politics and Multi-faith in the Holy Land: a Challenge for the Christian Message” in Speaking the Truth about Zionism and Israel, Michael Prior (ed.) London, Melisende, 2004, 148-164.
“Immaculate Conception", 8 December 2004” Scripture in Church, Dominican publications, Dublin No. 136 1 October to 31 December 2004. 60-62
“Preaching and Holy Land Studies: With Special Reference to Preaching in the Holy Land” Papers of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Homiletics, “Prophetic Preaching,” Hosted by Boston University School of Theology, Boston, Massachusetts, December 5-7, 2002, 5-14.
“Mystagogia—What Does It Mean” Lambent: April 2002, Redemptorist Publications, Chawton, Hants. 12-13
“Patterns of Pilgrimage. Part II: Christian Pilgrimage from the Arab Conquest until Today” ” in Living Stones 21, 9-10
“Palestinian Pilgrimage: an Interview with Reverend Lucy Winkett” in Living Stones 22, 8-9
“Patterns of Pilgrimage. Part I: The Early Centuries” in Living Stones 20, 14-16
" Jerusalem and Christian-Muslim Dialogue" Islamic Research Academy, University of Stirling, Scotland.
"Living Stones and Living Faith" pp.57-68 in They Came And They Saw: Western Christian Experience of the Holy Land, Editor Michael Prior, CM. Melisende London.
"God so loved the World," 23-34, in Greg Heille, O. P., Theology of Preaching: Essays on Vision and Mission in the Pulpit, Melisende, London.
"The Palestinian Question and Christian-Muslim Dialogue."pp13-20 in Al-Aqsa, October 1999.
'The Second Vatican Council and the Future of Christian-Muslim Dialogue' in the University Lectures in Islamic Studies, vol. 1. Series editor, Alan Jones, Altajir World of Islam Trust
'Papists then and Muslims Now' in University Lectures in Islamic Studies, vol. 1. series editor, Alan Jones, Altajir World of Islam Trust, pp 109-127.
"Faith and Reason: A Triumph over the Blind Force of History", The Independent, 12 August.
"Deliver us from Common Sense". The Independent (Jan.1).
"The Holy Land of Ambiguity "(June 10). The Sunday Correspondent
"Pilgrims' Progress in the Holy Land (April 19). The Sunday Correspondent
(Articles written prior to 1990 have not been listed).
Theology of St. Paul pp. 1-26, Volume 10 (Paul 1). Scripture Discussion Commentary: Ed. Laurence Bright. London and Chicago, 1971.
Ephesians, p. 175-213. Volume 10 (Paul 1). Scripture Discussion Commentary: Ed. Laurence Bright: London and Chicago. 1971.
Luke, pp. 1-11- of the Scripture Discussion Commentary, Volume 8. Ed. Laurence Bright: London and Chicago. 1971. |